Gift ideas for Maximilian
"A rock and a string, now that's a toy"
We are extremely fortunate to be surrounded by very generous friends and family.
Maximilian's crib, and our house runeth over, and we appreciate your thoughtfulness.
Here are some clothes we like: Tea Collection
Guidelines for buying toys and other things for Maximilian:
- Books are great! He loves them. We especially like books in multiple languages (See Baby Einstein)
- Learning toys are great! He is very curious and spends time concentrating on his learning toys.
- We love vintage things (used is OK)
- Clothing - Maximilian is now ready for 3T size clothing
- Brio train track and cars are very welcome. Maximilian has a small collection already.
- We have already started Maximilian's collection of Erector sets (for the future).
- Keep plastic to an absolute minimum.
- No battery operated toys
- No noise makers
- No Barney
- No war toys
We are also looking for a nice wine case/box to store a case of wine. We are gathering wine which stores well and will appreciate in value to put together a case
which, when he turns 21, Maximilian Rex can either drink or sell for its appreciated value.